In view of the construction feature of abnormal-axes, a kind of new multi-direction load press forming technology was proposed. 针对某异形轴结构特点,提出了一种新型多向加载挤压成形工艺。
There are time delay of press forming under fixed pressure. 定压成型时,在压制后有保压延时及自动回程动作。
Study for Press Forming Process of Car Seat Side Member 轿车座椅侧板支架的冲压成形工艺研究
The biodegradable composites made from bagasse fibre and biodegraded resin were prepared by press forming, and the effects of alkali treatments on the fibres and composites were investigated. 综述了甘蔗渣的研究进展,包括甘蔗渣纤维素的结构、性质、改性方法及甘蔗渣在工业、建筑业、生物、农业及预防医学上的综合利用。
The resin matrix composites in mould in press forming process, under the pressure function, become the condensable fluxion. 树脂基复合材料在模压成型过程中,在压力作用下,形成可压缩流动。
Products widely used in parts of the press forming, stretching, bending, punching, stamping, shaft alignment and press-fit and so on. 广泛用于零部件的压型、压弯、冲孔、压印、轴承压装、铜套压装及轴类零件的校正、压装、翻边铆合等。
Application of Marc Software in Multi-direction Synchronized Load Press Forming Process Marc软件在多向同步加载挤压成形工艺分析中的应用
The shape and forming pattern of the complicated vehicle parts have been studied and a new method for forming classification of parts has been proposed according to the shape characteristics and major forming patterns of critical portions in the press forming. 对汽车复杂冲压件的结构特征和变形方式进行分析,根据零件冲压成形中危险部位的结构特征和主要变形方式,建立了对零件进行成形分类的新方法。
It is of great significance for further creating more accurate models of mathematics and mechanics, discovering the mechanism of conical part press forming, and realizing intelligent control forming process. 对进一步建立精确的数学、力学模型,揭示锥形件冲压成形机理,进而实现成形过程的智能化控制具有重要的意义。
There are many disadvantages for adopting the press forming techniques of mold to manufacture the inner hull of wave shape, so we are difficult to ensure its manufacturing quality. 采用模型压制成形工艺制造波形炉胆存在诸多缺点,难以保证其制造质量。
Synopsis The present paper advanced a new method for classification of the press forming levels of the automobile steel sheets, in which the press forming falls into six levels within the range of FLD 0 since it is taken as the criterion of classification. 提出了一种新的汽车薄钢板冲压级别分类方法,将FLD0作为钢板冲压级别分类的出发点,按FLD0的范围将钢板冲压级别分为6级。
Summarizes the investigations in press forming of extrusion, rolling and deep drawing in AZ31B wrought magnesium alloy. 总结了AZ31B变形镁合金挤压、轧制和热冲压拉深的研究工作。
The intelligent press forming of sheet metal is a completely new and comprehensive technology that combines control-science, computer science and metal forming theory. 板材冲压智能化是一项涉及控制科学、计算机科学和板材塑性成形理论等领域的综合性新技术。
The changes on section size and mechanical property of Al-Alloy structure formed with SPF and the conventional press forming Process are described. 本文阐述了铝合金超塑成形与常规冲压成形构件的剖面尺寸、力学性能的变化情况。
New method for classification of press forming level of automobile steel sheets 汽车薄钢板冲压级别分类的一种新方法
Elastic-plastic Analysis of Stainless Steel Spherical Shell Punch Press Forming CAM System 不锈钢球壳冲压成形CAM系统的弹塑性分析
Main topics investigated formerly in sheet metal press forming technology are breakage and crease. 在板材冲压成型技术中,以前的主要研究课题是破裂和起皱问题。
Influence of lubrication conditions on press forming of automobile parts 润滑条件对汽车零件冲压成形的影响
The paper recommends how programmable logic controller is used in the control system of the press forming machine and analyses its main sets and functions of the system. 介绍如何将PLC(可编程控制器)用于一次性餐具压摸成型机的控制系统,分析其硬件系统与软件系统的基本组成和基本功能。
The present paper mainly introduces the applied technologies of the high strength automobile sheets such as press forming, welding and surface treatment etc. 主要介绍诸如加工成形、焊接和表面处理等高强度汽车板的各种应用技术;
The material design and fabrication process was studied. It was suggested that to obtain high quality brake cylinder, hybrid carbon fiber and glass fiber reinforced epoxy resin and molding press forming should be employed. 介绍了复合材料汽车制动缸的材料设计和制造工艺,提出采用模压成型和树脂传递模塑成型制造工艺,采用碳纤和玻纤混杂增强环氧树脂可以获得高质量的制动缸。
Technological Analysis and Press Forming Mould of Fuel Filler Lid 加油口盖的工艺分析及压形翻边模
Study on Cold Press Forming Progress of the Thick Wall Long Tube Parts 厚壁长筒形零件冷挤压成形工艺的研究
Controling and Reducing of Noise in Press Forming 减少和控制冲压生产中的噪声
The influences of various binders on the cold press forming strength of Si-Mn powder were investigated and it was found that different kinds of binders and different additions rate used would give different results. 研究了几种粘结剂对Si&Mn合金粉冷压成型强度的影响。发现不同的粘结剂,不同的用量有不同的结果。
Study on Cold Press Forming Strength of Si-Mn Alloy Powder Si&Mn合金粉冷压成型强度的研究
The regularity of real strain distribution is analyzed during conical part deep drawing according to experiments in this paper. It's of great significance for further discovering the mechanism of conical part press forming, determining its critical rupture condition and realizing intelligent control forming process. 用实验研究的方法分析了锥形件拉深成形时质点的真实应变分布规律,对进一步揭示圆锥形件冲压成形机理,确定其破裂临界条件,进而实现成形过程的智能化控制具有重要的意义。
There fore, poor surface fineness becomes an important topic of current press forming technology to be investigated, which demands people to deepen their recognition. 因此,面形状精度不良问题已成为现代冲压成型技术的一大重要研究课题,目前人们对它的认识还要进一步深化。
After the research of automatization and flexible production, the intelligent press forming is the main research object of sheet metal forming. 成形过程的智能化是继自动化、柔性化后目前板材成形的主要研究方向。